March 30, 1982 was the founding meeting for the Prairie Piecemakers Quilt and Needlework Guild in Fremont. We are an active quilt guild with 120+ members from Fremont, Arlington, Cedar Bluffs, Omaha, Elkhorn, Blair, Bennington, North Bend, Valley, Yutan, Ashland, Hooper, Ames, Union and West Point.
February 2025 Ann Healy Laser Cut Machine Applique/ Trunk Show Wise Monkey Quilting is a family-owned business operated by Randy and Amy Healy. In addition to their quilt store they have a Retreat Center adjacent to their store and a very active online presence. Both Randy and Amy grew up on family farms in Iowa and showed livestock in the local county fairs. Amy started her love of sewing by completing many 4-H projects. Amy has been quilting since she took her first class when she was 12 and has many quilts in her possession to prove it. Randy operates the laser cuter that he uses for making pre-cut quilts and applique kits. He also does etching on glass, marble and wood. Amy and Randy will share a trunk show of their works to include a sample of the laser cut applique wall hangings that their Wise Monkey Quilting shop is known for. Prairie Piecemakers P.O. Box 1202 Fremont, NE 68026-1202 Facebook - Prairiepiecemakersfremont |